Directions to Caminito del Rey

fastest way to Caminito del Rey

From Finca Las Nuevas you can drive to Cártama. At the Lidl, turn right towards Coín and Marbella onto the A357. The motorway turns into a dual carriageway. Ignore the first two exits for Caminito del Rey. At Ardales, take the exit. From there, follow signs for Caminito del Rey. At roundabout you have the official car park on the left, we recommend driving straight ahead at the roundabout.

Once you have passed under the tunnel, you will see a car park on the left. From the car park walk to the left for 200 metres, on the right side of the road is a small tunnel leading to the entrance of Caminito del Rey. From here it’s another 20-30-minute walk to the entrance.

walking in Andalusia the Caminito del Rey

Another option tourist route and park at Caminito del Rey terminus;

Take the road towards Álora; continue straight ahead at the ramp. Just before the steep S-curve, turn right. At the end of the road, at the T-junction, turn right. You are now on the road to Álora. This road becomes paved. At the main road, turn right a343 towards Valle de Abdalajis*.

At high railway bridge, turn left. Drive as if straight on. At some point road is broken, and you drive through water. Is doable! May be this stretch of road is repaired again. Follow signs for El Chorro. After about 20 minutes you will see the reservoir and drive downhill. On the left is big hotel la Garganta. On the right you can park your car. If full, drive past the train station (here you can get on a bus to Caminito starting point). Drive down, just before the dam there is a large car park on the left where you can park.

* At the main road, you can also turn left towards Álora. At the roundabout, take the first exit. At the next roundabout take the second exit (here there is also a sign to the Caminito del Rey). Continue along the road. Eventually, you will see the reservoir lake with the dam on your right. Turn right here. Immediately on the right you have a large parking area. The bus to the Caminito del Rey leaves at the station where there are also some parking spaces.

Drive up the road for this.